The Illusion of Freedom, or why you should wear your mask
I’ve had the opportunity to engage with people who don’t wear masks to find out why the choose to not do something that seems so simple that, to me, it seems silly to not just do it. I’ve heard about psychological issues, as well as discomfort due to physical issues or illness. I can understand those reasons. The one that baffles me is the people who believe this is government conspiracy to control them.
I have a question or two for the people who believe that requiring masks is a government plot to control the population, why is this the government action that offended your sense of liberty so much? The government has not been secret in any way in its actions to control you. So, where was the outrage over the re-authorization of the ill named Patriot Act? Where is the outrage over the PRISM program, FISA courts, or the FISA Amendments act, all of which affect you personally and are in gross violation of the US Constitution?
The government does not need a pandemic to exert its control over you, because in all of the most important ways you are already under control, and by your actions or inaction you have given your consent to be controlled. If you participate in Social Security, if you keep your money in an FDIC insured bank, if you have a Real ID drivers license, if you own and use a smart phone, if you maintain a credit rating on any of the credit bureaus, or if you use Facebook or Google you have in someway given your consent to be surveilled and controlled. The list goes on and on, the IRS, the Selective Service, Federal Student Aid, etc, etc.. The government know enough about you to know whether you are an enemy of the state or how to brand you as one if the need should arise. You live under the most insidious surveillance state in human history but it feels OK doesn’t it? For the average Joe, liberty and oppression feels exactly the same.
You live under the illusion of Freedom. Since you’re already under the control of the governmnet, could you do your family, friends, and neighbors a favor and put your damn mask on?