- Recipes for the Holidays
- Pragmatic Rubber Ducks
- The Illusion of Freedom, or why you should wear your mask
- CodinGame Spring Challenge 2020 - Day 5
- CodinGame Spring Challenge 2020 - Day 3
- CodinGame Spring Challenge 2020 - Day 2
- Day 38 thoughts
- Day 37 Thoughts
- Thoughts on Day 31
- Thoughts on Day 30
- Week 4 Fun
- Unreal Adventures - Part 3
- Unreal Adventures - Part 2
- Unreal Adventures - Part 1
- How to create executable kotlin jars
- Golang Fun: Coders Strike Back!
- That challenge of learning Kotlin
- Programming Languages I Absolutely Hate
- Insomnia makes my brain hurt
- Linux Pains
- Some thoughts about Tetris
- Go Go GoBots!
- Hooray for Goroutines!
- I love Go
- Installing a Ring 2 Doorbell
- Initial Commit